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My MFA Thesis Project

May 2022 - May 2023

Where the Sea Meets the Sky:
Walking Through Death and Grief with Interactive Media

Thesis Question: How can a video game approach the topic of death in a positive manner, and provide players with a supportive and empathetic atmosphere to help them navigate their bereavement?


Project Goals: 

  • Explore the potential of video games in helping people navigate the complex emotions of grief in a positive manner.

  • Create a virtual memorial for my grandfather, using the virtual world to honor his memories.


Experience Goals:

  • During play: Players are able to confront and introspect difficult emotions and experiences within a safe and empathetic environment provided by the game.

  • After play: Players are given a different perspective on death and grief, and are left with a feeling of hope and strength after playing the game.



Thesis Paper Link

Full Gameplay Walkthrough   May 9. 2023 build

Video Link

Thesis Defense Recording  April 21. 2023

Defense Slide Link

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